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Monday, June 30, 2014

International Mathematics ~ Math for All!

Math shouldn't be scary!

My goal is with this website to provide step by step Math instructions in conjunction with my website to students all over the world.  The instructions will be freely available to any student who needs them.  The instructions will include all areas of Mathematics and the instructions will be step by step in an Excel type format.  

The instruction will provide the following:

1.  Excel Step by Step Instructions with definitions
2. Videos (where available).
3. Examples of problems solved, step by step. 

When I took my Differential Equations class, to help my studying I made myself Step By Step Instructions like the following:
Linear Equations:
1. Standard form= dy/dx + p(x)y = f(x)
   i.  if f(x) = 0 then equation is homogeneous - if not: nonhomogeneous
2. Solving a Linear First-Order Equation:
   i.  Put linear equation into standard form
   ii. From the standard form identify P(x) and f(x)
   iii. Write down range of both P(x) and f(x)
   iv.  Find integrating factor e^{P(x)dx}
3. Multiply the standard form of the equation by the integrating factor - the    left hand side ofo the eq. is automatically derivative of the integrating    factor and y:
   d/dx[e^{P(x)dx}y] = e^{P(x)dx}*f(x) 
4. Integrate both sides of this last equation.
5. Give range for independent variable if applicable 
As this really helped me, I think it can help others. 

My long term goal is to have the instructions in every language available to anyone who needs help.  

I will also be getting Math professionals from all over the globe to help with the step by step instructions!

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